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BorgWarner’s reliability maintenance expert, David Stancil, presented a case study at the CBM Conference on the practical application of vibration monitoring strategies for machine tool programs. He discussed his experience applying the strategies and technologies and explained how manufacturers can save as much as $27,000. By trending machine performance data technicians can catch problems early …

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Predictive maintenance programs require the right investment, both in capital and in time, to work correctly. While most companies recognize the value in these programs, many become overwhelmed by all their options and some are still hesitant to adopt new technology. In our experience, there are three common reasons why manufacturers eventually turn to VibePro …

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With the manufacturing industry in a state of flux thanks to automation and globalization, companies are desperately trying to reduce costs wherever possible. Many are turning to predictive maintenance programs to minimize downtime and keep machines operating at optimal health, but some still wonder whether these tactics are worth the upfront investment. To truly answer …

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Vibration analysis is a proven technology to predict machine failure and detect the root cause of the problem. Once a failure mode is detected it is important to understand and eliminate the source to maximize the life of the machine. A food processing facility was experiencing high vibration levels in a motor-pump assembly with an …

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In all industries, it’s vital to stay ahead of machine breakdowns to minimize replacement costs so that you can stay on schedule. Never is this truer than in the U.S. military, where the cost of unplanned downtime isn’t just money – it’s lives. Read on to see why and how the military is adapting predictive …

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June 25, 2019: VibePro is proud to announce our newest innovation in wireless route data collection. Bluetooth for VibePro now offers an affordable single channel data vibration analysis and route data collection. Our VibePro Bluetooth solution for route-based data collection and analysis combines the features of our award-winning VibePro8 software and our Bluetooth wireless portable …

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For all manufacturers, preventing breakdowns is essential to minimize downtime and reduce expensive repair costs. In recent years, technologies like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), big data analytics, and cloud storage have moved from the realm of science-fiction to near ubiquity on the production line. These technologies allow vehicles, industrial equipment, and assembly robots …

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While manufacturing has experienced employment ups and downs over the past few decades, in recent years it’s become clear that there is a growing labor shortage that needs to be addressed. Even though manufacturing has some of the highest employee satisfaction numbers, there is still a critical gap between the amount of job seekers and …

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Supply chain logistics is defined as the design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities to increase customer value and reduce costs. Building a competitive supply chain infrastructure is important for every industry and requires companies to make sure their supply matches the demand for their products and that the delivery and storage …

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Recent trends show that more and more manufacturers are looking to expand in the US or move capacity back from overseas. To do this, companies will have to look for new, smarter ways to improve performance, increase machine reliability, maximize workforce effectiveness, and increase uptime. Informed decisions must be made at every level – production, …

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