VibePro Online Updates 01/10/2025

Here are the updates to the VibePro Online web application as part of the 01/10/2025 release. We are working continuously to improve your vibration analysis experience!


  • Added a “Turn on Thresholds” button to point trend plot. Toggling this will show the thresholds on the plot if they are not currently displayed due to a large discrepancy from the data
  • When opening a plant/machine with no sub-assets, a pop-up will now be shown with an option to navigate to Assets to set one up
  • The full plant/machine/point path was added to the right menu of normal and fullscreen vibration analysis plots, to help better identify the data being viewed
  • Marker frequency values now round to 3 decimal places rather than 1
  • Vibration Analysis right-hand menu now switches to markers when placing peak markers


  • Breadcrumb navigation now works properly from pages with no points or machines
  • Switching back to dashboard after hitting “Go to assets” button no longer opens directly to machine level

As always, please contact us if you experience any issues with the latest update or the site in general. Please fill out our Technical Support Form for any technical issues, or reach out via our Contact Page for any more general inquiries.

Thank you for being a valued VibePro customer!